19 November 2022

winter pic

Our Winter Tips

When temperatures drop most of us will be spending a lot of time indoors, and in these winter months it’s important to make sure that your home is safe and warm.

 How to look after your home

 Repairs and Maintenance

  • Keep your heating on at a low constant temperature, rather than heating your home up quickly allowing it to cool down again.
  • If you have a pre-payment meter, make sure you have sufficient credit.
  • Close all blinds and curtains at night.
  • Keep furniture away from radiators to allow heat to circulate freely.
  • Keep outside doors shut and report any obvious draughts.
  • Make sure to order repeat prescriptions in good time, don’t wait until you run out.
  • Keep a snow shovel handy.
  • Be aware of where your grit bins are.
  • Stay at home in really bad weather, even if that means re-arranging non-urgent appointments.
  • If you do have to venture out in bad weather, ensure you have adequate clothing. Wrap up in plenty of layers, and don’t forget hats, scarfs and gloves.
  • Look out for your neighbours in extreme weather and give your neighbours your phone number in case of emergencies.
  • If you have a mobile phone, make sure that it has sufficient credit.

Also, remember to...

  • Know how to turn off your gas.
  • Know how to turn off your power.
  • Check where your stopcock valve is for turning off your water.
  • Check overflows are not running.
  • Check taps are not dripping.
  • Check tank jacket is fitted.
  • Check door locks are working.
  • Keep a torch handy.

Useful telephone numbers

  • Water – 0800 0778 778
  • Electricity – 105
  • Gas – 0800 111 999  
Hayden Grant – Veteran

I am grateful to the support given by Veterans Housing Scotland; the charity has really helped in improving the lives of my family and given us a chance to build a decent future.

Hayden Grant – Veteran, Royal Regiment of Scotland