
Our process involves:

  • Review of your application, along with the Income and Expenditure Form
  • Application sift
  • Interview
  • Interview review involving our Central Office Team
  • Home viewing
  • Conditional offer of leases
  • Credit Check/Referencing
  • Offer of lease

Veterans Housing Scotland does not operate a waiting list.

When properties become available, we will inform our partners and advertise them on our website’s properties page. We will then only accept applications. 

Please do not send an application without listing a property or a completed income/expenditure form.

If we have no properties available and you are in urgent need of housing, please get in touch with us, and we will advise you about other housing providers or advisors, such as: 

If you are eligible and wish to apply for one of our properties, you should complete the application form below and return it to 

Proof of eligibility is required.

If you require assistance completing the form or need a hard copy sent, please contact us, and one of our team will be pleased to assist you.

Your application and proof of eligibility will be reviewed against our criteria, and you may be called to discuss your application.  Our team will inform you of progress and any additional information they require to progress your application. 

Please note that all applicants must undergo credit referencing before a tenancy is offered.


  • You must have served in the regular armed forces or been deployed operationally as a reserve force member.
  • Be disabled, which may be a physical or mental ill health disability and need not be attributed to your military service.


  • Referrals from the Tri-Service Personnel Recovery Centres.
  • Referrals from OpFORTITUDE.
  • Homeless with dependants.
  • Homeless.
  • Early Service Leavers with Operational Service.
  • Retired members of the British Armed Forces with Operational Service.

Retention of personal information:

We will only retain your information for as long as necessary to process your application. If we cannot proceed with your application at any stage, we will inform you and destroy the personal information we hold.

Income and expenditure:

You are required to complete a copy of our income and expenditure form and submit it along with your application.

Download Our Application Form (docx)

Hayden Grant – Veteran

I am grateful to the support given by Veterans Housing Scotland; the charity has really helped in improving the lives of my family and given us a chance to build a decent future.

Hayden Grant – Veteran, Royal Regiment of Scotland