Our aim is:

  • To create a united approach and commitment to end homelessness for veterans in Scotland who are disabled,
  • to offer the Veterans Housing Scotland family much more than just a house and,
  • through collaboration with specialist partners, ensure that those who require support get that support when and where needed. 

The charity owns and manages 637 homes throughout Scotland for veterans who are disabled.  We are committed to those who have served in our Armed Forces and made that selfless commitment to protecting our freedoms.  We believe they deserve to be supported by the nation in their time of need.  The very least we can do is ensure that all veterans have a roof over their heads and a place to call home that is safe, secure and meets their needs.    

It is the largest military charity in Scotland, providing homes for veterans who are disabled.  In recent years, the charity has centred on three approaches to delivering new homes:

1st Way – VHS Communities that are owned and maintained by Veterans Housing Scotland.

2nd Way – Properties with a shared ownership agreement with local authorities.

3rd Way – Nomination Rights provided by local authorities and other housing providers. 

Building lives : Building communities

Building Lives

We will build lives by providing houses for veterans who are disabled.  Those whose military careers may have been cut short through injury, or whose circumstances may have changed in later life.  We will:

  • Support them through the application process and beyond.
  • Work with them and their families as they prepare to move away from service life or experience changes in their circumstances for the more established veteran.
  • Support their independence, however, be in a position to support their aspirations in building on a firm foundation and moving forward positively

Building Communities

We will build communities by encouraging and supporting our tenants in living alongside their neighbours/fellow Veterans.  We will:

  • Encourage the sharing of acts of kindness.
  • Encourage the offering of the hand of friendship in supporting one another.
  • Recognise and respect the diversity of our communities and support them in growing. 

We are grateful for the support and contribution of those who have given so much in helping Veterans Housing Scotland achieve what they have to date.  As we move forward, we say 'Thank you' to those Local Authorities who have worked with us in introducing the nomination rights scheme. We acknowledge more work is required to achieve coverage Scotland-wide of this unique method of providing veterans who are disabled with homes.


I feel part of a broader family with the communication and support from Veterans Housing Scotland. I appreciate them keeping in touch and offering advice and updates as necessary.  A letter from the Chief Executive during the Covid-19 crisis was a nice touch and reassured us that help was available should any of us need it.

Daniel Stott – Veteran, RLC, Attached to 3 Rifles